Modernization and revitalization of hydro power plants

When modernizing or revitalizing hydro power plants, their output, profitability, lifetime and fish friendliness can be maximized while minimizing project efforts, operating cost and ecological footprint.

Thanks to the innovative DIVE-Technology, the wide field-experience of the DIVE-Engineers applying state-of-the art methods to integrate modern technology in existing, sometimes old structures together with our in-house production of the DIVE-Turbine enables us to design and realize individual and most cost-effective solutions for existing power plants.

The compact design of the DIVE-Turbine together with the capabilities of our experienced DIVE-Engineers and the flexibility of DIVE-Production allow us to realize projects using existing civil structures with optimized hydraulic parameters under minimal civil construction efforts laying the path to maximum production output.  



Increase of production and profitability

Maximization of lifetime

Long-term optimization of power plants

CAPEX and OPEX reduction to an absolute minimum

Long-term sustainable optimization of power plant assets

Meeting current and future electrical, market and ecological requirements


Advantages of modernization with a DIVE-Turbine

  • Only one interface to the civil structures, very compact design
  • Simple connection to existing structure by only one adapter ring
  • Individual adaptation of runner design, runner speed and installation height
  • Upgrade to fish friendly power plant
  • Inverter technology – Adaptation to any grid requirement, including static and dynamic
  • Fully automated power plant operation with extensive remote service capabilities
  • Turbine-generator-unit free from service up to 20 years
  • Unparalleled high availability factors
  • Low-noise, "silent" power plant operation


In view of the increasing electricity grid requirements, the increasing amount of grid-based start-stop cycles and regulatory requirements, the demands on the static and dynamic electronic performance of hydro power plants are growing. The electronic regulation of the DIVE-Turbine with variable speed and inverter operation offers high efficiencies and a wider range of grid services, which are systematically integrated in a modernization or revitalization project.

DIVE Turbinen GmbH & Co. KG has global experience in modernization and revitalization projects. Based on thorough analysis of the existing power plant and the existing turbines, the new solution is be developed individually for each site. This typically includes 3D modeling and CFD simulation of hydraulic flow, which provides certainty to decision makers over the achievable efficiencies and dependable output increase for available options before realizing the project.



Examples Power Plant Modernization and Revitalisation with DIVE-Turbines
