RES Project: Hydropowerplant Åby


icon Runner diameter
Runner diameter
1,450 mm
icon Start of operation
Start of operation
January 2024
icon Head
7.85 m
icon Nominal Power
Nominal Power
1,000 kW

The ÅBY hydropower plant is located in southern Sweden in the province of Kronobergs Län, about 10 km north of Ljungby, and was built in 1916 with two horizontal Francis turbines, each generating 400 kW. In 2023/2024, the Francis turbines were replaced by two DIVE-Turbines, each with an output of 550 kW, which enabled higher energy efficiency without structural changes. One of the new units operates at variable speed to remain efficient even with minimal flow in summer.


The RES Project Sweden is supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action as part of the Renewable Energy Solutions Programme of the German Energy Solutions Initiative.




German Energy Agency (dena)
The German Energy Agency (dena) is a centre of excellence for the applied energy transition and climate protection. dena studies the challenges of building a climate-neutral society and supports the German government in achieving its energy and climate policy objectives. Since its foundation in 2000, dena has worked to develop and implement solutions and bring together national and international partners from politics, industry, the scientific community and all parts of society. dena is a project enterprise and a public company owned by the German federal government. dena’s shareholder is the Federal Republic of Germany.

German Energy Solutions Initiative
With the aim of positioning German technologies and know-how worldwide, the German Energy Solutions Initiative of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Action (BMWK) supports suppliers of climate-friendly energy solutions in opening up foreign markets. The focus lies on renewable energies, energy efficiency, smart grids and storage, as well as technologies such as power-to-gas and fuel cells. Aimed in particular at small and medium-sized enterprises, the German Energy Solutions Initiative supports participants through measures to prepare market entry as well as to prospect, develop and secure new markets.

Renewable Energy Solutions Programme (RES Programme)
With the RES programme, the German Energy Solutions Initiative of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Action (BMWK) helps German companies in the renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors enter new markets. Within the framework of the programme, reference plants are installed and marketed with the support of the German Energy Agency (dena). Information and training activities help ensure a sustainable market entry and demonstrate the quality of climate-friendly technologies made in Germany.



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DIVE-Turbine Åby

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